
Since its inception a couple of decades ago, my site’s changes have been minor. I have decided to radically revamp this site focussing on six main areas. Each unique area I am (very) slowly updating, as well as maintaining a regular (monthly) Newsletter:



To contact me, please use my contact form



Subscribe to my local SAGE News&Events from this link



Contact me for further details 0490770061


My education consultancy and my consultancy work with Mindful Meditation Australia continues, though due to its nature rather sporadic.

If within range of the Dunsborough – Busselton – Capel area and are homeschooling, do contact check out Village Learning for offerings. I do take on teenage groups for various cross-syllabi studies (ranging from mathematics, philosophy, history, geography and literature).

Links to Fourhares specialised areas

Purchase ASEA Redox products

Much research has emerged over the last two decades on the functions of redox processes in maintaining cellular health. ASEA products delivers redox molecules that may assist in the process!

800% Increase in Glutathione Efficacy
> Discover Redox: Redox Science
Researchers at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) performed in vitro tests to determine the antioxidant efficiency of the body’s most powerful natural antioxidant enzymes glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and superoxide dismutase (SOD).

The results showed significant, well-defined effects. The cell extracts exposed to ASEA Redox Supplement exhibited 8 times the antioxidant efficiency for GPx, and 5 times antioxidant efficacy for SOD. This efficiency was evident especially at low-level concentrations of ASEA Redox Supplement, tested down to 2.5% of full strength.

If you are interested in learning more, do have a look at these three (amongst many hundreds) YouTube and website videos.

Thank you to those who were able to come to our presentation in Dunsborough on Saturday 10th June… if you would like Katana and I to present in your region, please be in contact… Click here to subscribe or purchase (or contact us if you need help with either or information on Redox),



Purchase my books directly on LuLu.com

Though I do have numerous papers on a range of subjects, these three, on Tarot and on Philosophy, are my current offerings. Enjoy!

Yoga, Meditation, Tarot & Paneurhythmy


Testimonials – TO BE UPDATED


“That philosophical text is not an easy read… but WOW!”


“I was astounded by the insights provided through tarot. It’s like a whole new world of understanding unfolded.”


“My husband and I actually like coming to yoga… together! And it’s all thanks to the JMD.”


“The area is incredibly beautiful. The sessions are amazing. Thanks for giving me the body I’ve always wanted.”